Clairol BW2 Extra Strength Hair Lightener is a Multi-use lightener with malic acid for both on-and off-scalp application. Lifts past the brass for bright, clear, even results. Non-pigmented powder allows for clear visibility of lift during lightening. Mixes into a creamy consistency for easy application.
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Use for on and off-scalp application, color correction, highlighting and foiling
Our Beauty Advisors Recommend You Add 2 scoops of lightener and 3 scoops of Clairol Professional Cream Developer (equivalent to a 1:2 weight ratio) to a non-metallic bowl and mix to a creamy consistency.For on-scalp application, do not use higher than 20 Vol. developer.For maximum lift, use 40 Vol. developer and a 1:1.5 weight ratio. Apply evenly, ensuring hair is fully saturated. While processing, check the hair every 5-10 minutes for desired lightness.